What happens when I signup for emails? Word Online Team |
We use a third party for all email communication called 'Mailchimp'. Your information is secure and will never be shared with anyone else.
There are two different lists available for you to signup to. One is for news and updates on the charity, allowing those that support the vision and journey of "Word Online" to join with us in Giving and Prayer. The other is to receive email updates about new content, when it becomes available.
You may subscribe to both, one, or none of these lists, and may unsubscribe at any time. We use a third party for all email communication called 'Mailchimp'. Your information is secure and will never be shared with anyone else. You are not obliged to subscribe to either email list and we will not add you to either list without your consent.
At the bottom of each email is an option to unsubscribe if you no longer wish to continue receiving the emails.