More Ways to engage with the Word Online Material Word Online Team |
Not only are there many ways of accessing the material of Word Online, there are many ways of engaging with the material. Here are some more suggestions.
You could follow the different series and episodes as part of a daily devotional. At the end of every episode there are reflections on the passage which help us to relate the material covered to our own situations.
Choose a particular series to follow. Each series is clearly labelled, together with the number of episodes in the series. Perhaps your interest lies in the resurrection appearances and so you could jump to Series 14. Where previous episodes connect to the episode being followed, these are mentioned within the teaching, as are other helpful biblical references.
In browsing the content, you may wish to view one episode which is particularly relevant to you. At the opening page for each episode the title, Bible passage(s) and its place within each series is indicated but also the following episodes are mentioned. It is particularly important that, at the outset of each episode, Martin Charlesworth gives an introduction and a recap of previous episodes. We are constantly reminded of the importance of understanding the chronology, geography and context of different events in Jesus’ life, and how this enhances our understanding of what is written and what Jesus is actually saying.
Why not add Word Online to your study materials? Although a narrative style is used throughout, Martin Charlesworth is a Bible teacher and has incorporated theological insights and in-depth Bible knowledge into each episode. He also makes it clear when there are differences of theological opinion and gives reason for his own position. The use of the transcripts might prove helpful here.
As you become familiar with the material, you can refer others to specific episodes to help their understanding, to challenge them or to encourage them to discover more about Jesus and the good news of the Gospel. Not only is Jesus’ life story covered from his birth to his death, but also his teaching about how to live the Christian lifestyle which is still relevant 2000 years later. Within the reflective section at the end of each episode, Martin invites the participant to apply the event or teaching to his or her life, including not sitting on the fence as far as Jesus is concerned. Series 9 Episode 1 is an example of this. It ends:
‘In every generation. people have to make a choice between following Christ, following their own inclinations, or another religious tradition, or a secular way of life. That choice is with us in this generation, 2000 years later. That choice is there. It's actually a choice for you, the listener and the viewer of this episode. If you have not yet committed yourself to Jesus Christ, can I encourage you. Don't wait any longer. Don't wait until the door of opportunity closes. Take that opportunity right now.’