Martin Charlesworth

Martin Charlesworth

270 episodes

Martin Charlesworth lives in Shrewsbury in the UK. He is married and has three children. He is on the leadership team of Barnabas Community Church in Shrewsbury, but he also works with a number of church-based charities in the UK and runs church leadership training programmes.

Martin has co-authored three books about the church’s engagement with issues of social justice in the UK.

In his spare time Martin enjoys cycling, jogging, hill walking and playing squash. Martin is an enthusiastic traveller and in his earlier life lived for a time in both Pakistan and South Africa.

Martin Charlesworth lives in Shrewsbury in the UK. He is married and has three children. He is on the leadership team of Barnabas Community Church in Shrewsbury, but he also...

Martin has co-authored three books about the church’s engagement with issues of social justice in the UK.

In his spare time Martin enjoys cycling, jogging, hill walking and playing squash. Martin is an enthusiastic traveller and in his earlier life lived for a time in both Pakistan and South Africa.

Episodes by Martin

270 episodes
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